Clinical Psychologist and FSP psychotherapist
in Geneva
Chiara Fiorentini, Dr. Psych., works in Geneva as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Her clinical activity focuses on the evaluation and therapeutic support of children, adolescents and adults, based on the needs of the individual patient. She collaborates with the network of practitioners around the patient (e.g. psychiatrists, neuropediatricians, etc.) as well as with the school and the family.
Education and training
Dr. Chiara Fiorentini broadened her expertise thanks to a PhD in Cognitive and Experimental Psychology at the University of Geneva. She further specialized in ASD during her Post-doc at the Social Communication Disorders Clinics (SCDC) of the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, in London.
Dr. Chiara Fiorentini subsequently dedicates herself full time to clinical psychology. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders. She initially worked at the Fondation Pôle Autisme, with which she continues to collaborate as a clinical psychologist and trainer.
In 2020 she obtained the Federal Specialization in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, focusing on the clinical aspects related to children and adolescents suffering from difficulties.